Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the -saddest- day of my sec life.
I cried two times in school. Freak right?
First, cause Mr Chua only told us that it was his last day teaching us at the end of the lesson.
I was like, " Mr Chua, why didn't you tell us at the beginning of the lesson??"
Come to think of it, it was so touching when he came in for awhile and said,
" Wow 1B, you all are so obedient today!"
I remember clearly all the times that we were -unenthu- and Mr Chua asked us why ...
All we always said was Monday Blues, Tuesday Blues, Wednesday Blues,Thursday Blues ..
He never once scolded us in the 3 months that he teached us.
Instead, he laughed at our jokes, bought tibits for us and taught us a lot a lot a lot ..
We were often not listening and I was often day-dreaming, or sometimes doing other hw.
Sorry Mr Chua, really sorry.
Why do I have to learn to cherish what I have after everything's over?
Why can't I turn back time and make all the memories I have a happy one?
The first time Mr Chua came in, he was sort of nervous and kept referring to his paper ...
He told us that he was going to teach us for 12 weeks,
I was like ohmygosh. 12 weeks?
But now, its all over. Really , and its too late to regret all the wrongdoings I've done.
To all out there, CHERISH every second of your life, with all the people around you.
Mr Chua, thanks for all that you've given us!
The mechanical pencil is cool! (:
You must jiiayous in NIE and you'll be back in RV as a professional teacher in 2 months time!
Okay, now back to the second reason it was a sad day today.
It was the last lesson of the physics module.
Not because of physics, but because it was the last lesson with Miss Ling.
Miss Ling, 1B will definitely miss you!
You're one of the best teacher we've ever had ...
And you have always been concerned about us ...
I'll definitely miss you asking us,
" Do you all find physics tough? "
" 1B, you all look very tired today ... "
" 1B, are you all very stressed? "
" 1B, you all are a very nice class ... "
She've told us these many many times ...
Miss Ling, you're really a very good teacher!
Sorry that I'm going to fail my physics MYE ..
Its not that you don't teach well, its just that I don't learn well.
So, here's a little cheer ...
Three cheers for Miss Ling and Mr Chua!
Three cheers for Miss Ling and Mr Chua!
Three cheers for Miss Ling and Mr Chua!
{ Screammmmmmmmms! }
But on the happier note, it was much much better after school ...
Hui Wen and me went for lunch after school, expensive lunch. Haha (:
Does this remind you of something? ( hint: think of the beach )
Yup, I know, I'm sick ...
The 'two balls' are actually fried ice cream and the pink stuff is melted strawbery ice-cream (:
After that, Hui Wen came to my house beause we live very near each other ..
Hey, we are good girls kays? Heheh, study for MYEs, although I'm so dead for it.
However, all the time is Hui Wen teaching me physics.
She's damm pro okays? She remember's everything!
Hui Wen, you rock! Thanks for teaching me! I finally understand that concept (:
So we studied, studied, studied ...
Of course not forgetting all the times we stopped to talk talk talk ..
We went to play piano after that, for one hour!
Hui Wen, you're damm pro , once again (: Tyty for teaching me the new songs!
ILOVEYOU! Muaccks~!
Oh yup, MYE's are coming ...
1Barbarians, jiiayous jiiayous jiiayous!
We can do it, and we will!
( Excluding me, obviously .. )
Here's the masterpieces by the one and only ... BEATRICE, another of my loveee! (:
Sorry that this pic is tilted, I got no idea why its like that ..
And yes, happy birthday jing ting, jun kang and zhi jie! (: